Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hello Queer and LGBTI artists in Iowa.

Mark McCusker and Darrell Taylor here.
We're with ACE in Iowa City.

We're creating a resource list of Queer Iowa Artists and Iowans who are looking for Queer & LGBTI artists.

ACE is working with the Iowa Arts Council to determine the needs, if any, of Queer & LGBTI artists in Iowa and what services they have to offer to Iowans.

If you'd like to be added to a resource list,
Please email
Add yourself in a comment below,
All info is optional,
Add what you like:
Your name, media, discipline, contact info, email, address, phone, bio, vita, artist's statements, or what you will.
And links to your web pages.

If you're an ally or resource, please describe yourself and post your links.

If you or your group currently maintains a list of Queer-LGBTI-Iowa-Artists, please contact us. We need to know.

If you're on Facebook, you can join at

If you're on

Queer Mr Mark
ACE artist
26 E Market St
Iowa City, Iowa

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